I admit, I wasn’t so sure on my first cup. Stock cubes and powders are good to use when there’s no time to make fresh stock. However, be careful with the amount used as it can be quite salty. Katie. If you don’t know that salt pulls out flavours, I don’t think the rest of this blog post is for you (sorry). The recommended equivalent measure is to dissolve 1 bouillon cube (or 1 teaspoon of bouillon granules) in 8 ounces of boiling water for every 1 cup of broth. My Life savor has been freezing ice cube trays of broth, it’s very easy to throw a few cubes into refried beans, Spighetti sauce, taco meat (instead of water). If you require more stock, dissolve more OXO cubes into water using the proportions you have established. Although I feel a bit sad for you that your husband doesn’t help with the kids during the night more…. You can get (more expensive) lower salt ones, if you prefer. On the other hand, if you ask me, if there is difference in term of taste by adding the chicken stock or not says into your soup or some dishes. Create your own soups and sauces today! Hello! I haven’t noticed much change in the taste of the broth with these additions. Check the packets, but I think stock cubes are mostly ok. You can use soy sauce in stir fries too. My name is PatriCa(雪冰). Even gelatin capsules cause diarrhea for me. I thought it was coconut oil, but taking that out didn’t help. It goes in circles…. Any recipe that calls for “canned cream of ____ soup”, I just make homemade using chicken or beef broth as the base. I’m new to the whole idea, but you’re not alone! I guess there’s really only 9 reasons I drink broth now! Some people have reactions to the glutamic acid in it! I know it’s more difficult to get nutritional info on homemade traditional foods, but all the real food blogs who talk about broth link to each other or to the Weston A. Rennard BO, Ertl RF, Gossman GL, Robbins RA, Rennard SI. I love food. Probably best kept if you want to drink bovril as a drink. Great list. (use the coupon KS10 for 10% off!). We don’t generally buy meat just for stock unless it is really cheap. Also, would soaking the chickens in saltwater and vinegar the night before help “clean” them beforehand? Any suggestions for a super picky eater? . If I had to draw a correlation to overall health, though, it would be the broth – it’s the ONLY thing we did on your list the first year I was blogging, and I bragged b/c we were so healthy… I normally add to the pot a carrot, celery tops, a leek, an onion (with the skin on, it adds color), some bay leaves, thyme and sage. Some simply don’t tolerate/don’t like long-cooked broth. Katie! You might Google search a little on whether too much of certain components of stock (or too much too fast) could cause diarrhea – collagen/gelatin, magnesium, calcium…you can see what else might be “in there” right here: http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2009/03/26/food-for-thought-health-and-nutrition-of-traditional-homemade-chicken-brothstock/, I hope you figure it out! My family always has great success using lots of broth when we are sick. I have heard of that too! I know they are kinda high in salt, thats why I only use half. Thanks for bringing this to my attn though, it’s totally fascinating! Then I made a great broth that gelled over night in the fridge. I almost always have bone broth on hand – either recently made or saved in the freezer – because it’s a way for me to stretch my chicken and make a nourishing food that is super frugal. Thanks for this great info! There are probably other things I’m missing this way–who knows what’s in that broth that we don’t even know about! I am loving the bone broth! I couldn’t get past the smell. Reuse the bones until you can’t. It is VERY cool to hear a real-life testimony of the joint pain issue. You can buy low (or reduced) sodium and sodium-free stock cubes. Looks like you might have copied the whole thing, which hurts us both on Google page rank. I hadn’t thought of adding garlic so thanks for that tip! Answered June 9, 2019. Thanks! Proksch E, Schunck M, Zague V, Segger D, Degwert J, Oesser S. Oral intake of specific bioactive collagen peptides reduces skin wrinkles and increases dermal matrix synthesis. Katie, A tip for not remembering to thaw, freeze it in silicone molds or ice cube trays…. You can use the boullion cubes or the instant granules if you want. Our range of low FODMAP stock and gravies are all onion and garlic free. Sprinkle pinch of stock powder to vegetable dish is good enough. Still, I really love bone broth! I’ve been out for a while and keep getting sick! I always say that is the one area in which my healthy living mission really falls apart : ), Gayle, So I guess I will be going to buy some chicken to make my own I have a canner I haven’t used yet anyway. it tastes better with a little bit of meat on the bone. , Angela, Pull as much meat off the carcass as you can before you boil it. Have you tried short-cooked stock? I want it to be true! Any products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. “How I deal with others…” — I’m sure my children would appreciate a more well-rested mommy, too. I”m not a fan. Does anyone else here sometimes drink stock cubes like soup? He lovingly made a joke about how most people would request cough drops or cold medicine, but not his hippie wife. 3. Needed beef stock cubes and these were on offer. So I always grab turkey bones from family get togethers even though they’re just CAFO turkeys. I usually have gelatin tea in the morning because it’s easier, and when I found out that I wasn’t missing out on the minerals I felt better about this little cheat. We also discovered chicken stocks that don’t contain any chicken at all. In 2016 she created the #1 bestselling online kids cooking course, Kids Cook Real Food, helping thousands of families around the world learn to cook. I don’t know! Hi Katie, Katie. I always cook chicken broth whenever someone comes down with a cold in the family and it works magic each time. Not one of them cites any research or real data, although Mark’s Daily Apple does explain that getting nutritional info on such homemade, traditional foods is too difficult because of the variance in ingredients, food the animal ate, etc. I do occasionally make chicken or turkey stock, but even then I have a problem. Helping busy families live well without going crazy! I want it to be true! And lastly, Katie, you deserve more sleep! So, no, stock cubes aren't really healthy for most people. We at Kitchen Stewardship® are not doctors, nurses, scientists, or even real chefs, and certainly the FDA hasn't evaluated anything on this blog. As well, I have no included salt. Thanks for sharing your wisdom (I’ll be sharing it with others). The reason I was looking at this was that my daughter has Perthes, which involves death of the hip bone (and, because our bodies are amazing, eventual re-growth of the hip bone). . I’ve edited the post and made your link more clear for my readers. In that week, my toddler got pneumonia, my second grader threw up, my preschooler coughed for days on end, my husband coughed…and I would get a tickle of a sore throat now and then. Tips: Keep your stock cube in the refrigerator for fresher and lasting purposes. They had the same thoughts you and I did about “well they just didn’t cook it right,” and then tested some that was cooked slow and long. I’m so sorry your comment got buried, and I’m also sorry I don’t have any information for you. I hack the birds with a cleaver until my work area looks like a crime scene, add plenty of carrots and onion, but I cook it much longer than Miss Lewis does, and my stock is rich and flavorful and sets up like Jell-O in the fridge. But it wasn’t long before I could honestly say I craved it. I guess there’s really only 9 reasons I drink broth now! I’ve never drank bone broth by itself, but your post is making me want to! Rebecca, Maybe it would have been the same result, but I’m a questioner. Why pay ten times more for shipping water weight when you can just add it in your own kitchen? Broth is amazing stuff! However, most manufacturers and many cookbooks ignore this distinction, so I've tested each product f… Mostly I worry about the fat. Wow Cathy, this blew me away! Love your blog BTW! Vicious cycle…too tired to make it, then get sick, then too sick to make it. Can you drink chicken stock cubes? I could even see adding some orzo to it and having that for lunch one day. I am not so sure about this article. Also, Debra Lynn Dadd at nontoxic living has a post on how to make your own lead free crock pot. “Chicken stock for better taste in your cooking”. Check out my recipe!). Thanks for this article! Question: what about if I don’t totally trust the source of the chickens? I’ve tried it with wild ducks too, but that wasn’t so awesome either. Not all dishes needed chicken stock, of course. Going to try to start a petition on FB! Does anyone have any good testimonials with joint pain? I’m glad you found a remedy that works for you! Who doesn’t need a little help digesting everything in our day and age? 24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. I have a weird question. I just can’t avoid everything…. Good luck and keep up the great work with healthy eating for your son!!! Gelatin is the cooked form of collagen (use the coupon KS10 for 10% off! However, be careful with the amount used as it can be quite salty. While there isn’t much science to back up this claim (don’t worry, I won’t tell your grandma), a 2000 study found that, in a lab environment, chicken soup had an inflammation-reducing effect which might account for its ability to kick colds and other minor bugs to the curb. Do a one month challenge to get 8 or even 9 hours. “If bones have calcium, it must therefore come out into the broth.” That’s a pretty big assumption. Minerals that will help you stay in optimal health include: But if you can’t find the time (or the well-sourced bones) to make your own, it’s hard to find commercial stock that actually uses bones, the key to all these benefits. Since I’ve written that, people have added more – condense the broth into gelatin and add cubes to smoothies – it just disappears! I have been hit and miss as well. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. Hence, many of us have this perception that adding chicken stock is “no good”. Any time you share someone else’s blog post, etiquette says to copy about a paragraph and link to the rest. Even a hit with my daughter who doesn’t like broth too much. Some called it Hong, “Stir-fried pig’s liver with scallion and Hua Diao rice wine. I gave my father in law some bone broth when he was down to visit and sick, and he loved it! One of the incredible benefits of real bone broth made with the vinegar soak, all the cartilage from the animal, and the actual bones is that your finished stock should have a good amount of gelatin (use the coupon KS10 for 10% off!) I wish there was a bone broth fairy to get me going again! 2. UPDATE: I was challenged by a reader in the comments, and she shared. Please talk to your health professional (or at least your spouse) before doing anything you might think is questionable. What if I get sever joint pain AFTER drinking clean pure bone broth?? You could have a histamine intolerance, Goldnrod. Do you know why this might be happening? Whenever my butcher asked me if I wanted our beef package with bones or no bones, I just had a feeling that there was something good about cooking the meat with the bones in it. I make soup in the winter because I know it is healthy, but that’s it. I just add a bit of Celtic Sea Salt and yummy in my tummy. I’ve never heard of that one…there shouldn’t be an allergic reaction I can imagine if you don’t have a problem with chicken (right? Can’t wait for supper tonight. But homemade is always best! I know it’s not as good, but wouldn’t it still work some? Possibly not in minerals in general. :) Hope this helps, or give some ideas, for your cute little guy! Katie, Hi.just have to get down to making bone broth now,just need to know if it’s okay to make it in a pressure pot. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It’s also why I included broth as the “B” in my redone BRATY diet for kids for feeding victims of tummy bugs. with ginger. Here's the full legal disclaimer. Or…a coincidence with a bug? Even without msg added, it s by nature has abit from the ingredients used in it. I do some fermented foods and the whole family pretty much has a yogurt every day. https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/recipes-using-chicken-stock I browsed around to some authority sites, but not one of them cites any research or real data. I took one quick look at this post, walked downstairs to heat up a little broth in a pan on the stove (not the microwave) and bring it up in a cup to fully enjoy and appreciate what I was going to read. It depends on your rice but for white rice it's usually one part rice … When we eat only animal meat, the amino acids delivered mimic those that our bodies create under stress. And please try to figure out how to get yourself to bed earlier I find it really does make a difference in health, productivity and how I deal with others. See here: https://www.seleneriverpress.com/the-dark-side-of-bone-broth/ That may explain it, and you can make meat broth instead, I guess? Stock and broth are not technically the same thing.Chicken stock should be made with mostly bones and scraps; its high gelatin content will give body to sauces. Hmmmm…. its like chicken. See more of Katie Kimball, CSME in the Media. http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2013/02/18/back-to-basics-baby-step-monday-mission-no-7-make-bone-broth-regularly/ Your email address will not be published. Reasons to drink bone broth. You might ping Cara at http://healthhomehappy.com/ who did GAPS with her young autistic daughter; she might have even more ideas. To cook 100% MSG free dishes, follow the recipes still, please omit adding any of these though. Nowadays, bouillon cubes are very popular and easy to use; you simply dissolve them in water, to enjoy a bouillon broth.You can also add them to your recipes as a condiment.In this case, you don’t need to add extra salt, as the cubes contain more than enough. I made the most bestest broth ever this week. I was put on a liquid diet for a week while in the hospital. Kind of a bummer for me. He attributed it to his weekly batch of oxtail soup and the large amount of broth he regularly ate/drank. Does that just mean this guy is tired of inquiries and doesn’t have time, or does it call into question the validity of his claims? Just never knew that was the reason! I still use broth a fair amount but only because I like to use it in recipes and for soup. These varieties beat out even the reduced salt options provided by most brands. In general, chicken stock cubes can be used in any recipe that calls for liquid chicken stock. I knew about the health benefits of bone broth, but I always just used it in soup, not a cuppa. The calcium does keep going up with further cooking, but is still really low. Don’t feel sad – there are nights that the roles are totally reversed. Cooking is my passion, and it's all about sharing. It seems like everyone I know (slight exaggeration) is doing GAPS and I maybe hopping on that bandwagon soon. Kitchen Stewardship | Caring for All Our Gifts. They have graphs that show how much calcium, phosphorous, and nitrogen get extracted each hour. PMID: 18416885. same with rabbit back. PMID: 24401291. Most importantly, it is easier to break up when you need to only smaller amount. Using Bouillon Cubes Bouillon is a popular substitute for chicken stock or broth. Also this was my first time trying it too, and I tend to “guinea pig” myself first. It’s nice to get a break sometimes. Oh dear! You can use the scraps from a roasted chicken if you like, only make sure that any flavours that it was roasted with are flavours that you would want in your stock cubes, for instance it is probably not a good idea to use barbecue chicken scraps. Its an EXTREMELY long process since he is a very picky eater (think peanut butter sandwiches daily). I discovered bone broth while researching holistic dental health. I’d keep looking for answers and listening to your body…. ???? DIY broth is super inexpensive, and even buying it online (from the right sources that use bones and have a high gelatin content!) It takes time, so I tend to hoard bones and then a few times a year make several huge batches, say 18 qts a batch and can the broth. It is dark golden brown and super flavorful. Right here Julie: http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2009/03/30/monday-mission-how-to-make-your-own-homemade-chicken-stockbroth/. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. At first I figured that it was just made wrong, but after looking at another brand that was really expensive and appeared to be legit, I found the same thing. Adding water to chicken stock cubes can create a flavorful chicken broth. Chicken stock is an aromatic substance to add to your cooking of soup, vegetables, meat and sauce. OK, started with cooking chicken legs, onions, garlic and carrots in crock pot. Diane, Note: I emailed for more info as the article suggested and got no reply. I have a picky husband, drinking broth is out of the question, so I find ways to cook with it. Pacific Organic is one, found here at Thrive Market. My friend Tiffany of Don’t Waste the Crumbs shares: We made a commitment last September to buy only organic, free-range chicken. You will be amazed. I made my kids chicken noodle soup with it at lunch and drank a big mug myself. We haven’t been able to make that palatable – not sure if it is what the deer eats (ours are forest fed, no farmland around here). I love bone broth and I think it would be a great way to start the day…especially these cold grey ones. Our main issue is getting enough meat/bones to MAKE stock. I know, I know…a one-month challenge is probably not a bad idea. i have thought about doing this, but haven’t tried it. I’ve tried putting it in a special cup, mixing it in apple sauce and many other ways but nothing is working. Fun for them and less messy! Shame. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I knew there was some sort of difference since I’ve made homemade broth before and it always gels unlike the canned broth I’ve bought from the store. Jacqueline, My favorite to make at home is with lamb bones in a slow cooker, but I use the Real Bone Broth brand from Wise Choice Market on a regular basis. I will use bouillon cubes if I’m canning meat, especially my elk and venison. The good news (though there's not much) that the broth is likely to be very low in calories, between 10 and 30 per cup. In the stock cubes, granules, stock pots, liquid stock concentrate and ready-made stocks we looked at, the meat content was labelled as chicken, chicken extract, concentrated chicken extract, chicken powder, chicken meat powder, chicken fat and chicken stock. Your email address will not be published. This is where low-salt stock cubes are a great substitute! Would be nice to give it a try! If you find the taste is too strong, add more boiling water until it is to your liking. Tonight we’re going to have french onion soup from beef broth I cooked up. Alcohol and milk (in any form) is a … Oh, and your sleep habits sound like mine. Bones can be reused to make several batches of broth and like number two above, why throw them away if they still have something to offer? 2014;27(3):113-9. doi: 10.1159/000355523. It's great for adding to chicken soup (that you can … Interesting, Solomon. My family has been slowly changing our diets to fix our guts, especially for my 3 year old son who has autism. Please remember that I’m just a gal who reads a lot and spends way too much time in her kitchen. http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2009/06/10/summer-foods-broth-and-beans/. I will definitely start using it for that! I wish he would have long, slow simmered for 12-24 hours and/or pressure cooked for 1 hour. You are undoing all of your healthy eating by neglecting sleep! Every time my husband is sick he drinks it. However, don’t forget you can always get the NO MSG added type. I never thought about bone broth being a carrier for garlic. Hi Coco, thanks for your enlightenment. Not the best, but better than conventional. Here’s to a cup of yummy broth! I never thought about just drinking it instead of waiting for a recipe to use it in! Consuming gelatin is thought to counteract all that, can promote sleep, and may improve memory and learning behavior. December 18, 2020 by Katie Kimball @ Kitchen Stewardship® 97 Comments. Day before the test patients are not allowed to eat solid food items. Nothing too long, just something to maybe kick start some things. He then states that because bonemeal is high in calcium, broth must be too. And I don’t like the vinegar flavor either so I do it without…guess I need some statistics on that to change. Katie. Everyone has Parasites - Get Rid of Them Naturally! thaws fast and you have no trouble getting it out of a container (if you’ve ever froze it in a narrow mouth jar you know what I mean! [Post Note: However, just realized from an article that there are still some hidden MSG from the yeast extract found in the chicken stock/ cube. Buy whole chickens and butcher them yourself. This is so cool!! You should do a challenge on the blog! Warm milk, chamomile tea – move over, broth is coming through! These go right in the pot. Nevermind, I will just make some today. . , I was feeling under the weather yesterday and asked my husband to pick up a chicken on his way home. Seriously, if you ask me any taste differences between the chicken stock with MSG and the one without, I am very sure to tell you, No. It didn’t take long – oh, say 2 minutes of browsing the weekly grocery circulars – to realize that paying $6.99/lb for breasts was simply not in my grocery budget. So, it's better to have a higher quantity of water than bouillon. Serve the stock as a hot drink, or add vegetables, meats and other ingredients as you wish to the stock to create soup. Now it’s right in both – thanks, Helen! I do that sometimes but honestly, my freezer space gets crazy and it can be so much work to pour in cubes, wait, transfer, pour more in, etc. No, that is a cheap cop-out. They do have a distinctive taste. Nothing beats the boost of comforting flavor that chicken broth can add to a recipe, but while we do adore homemade, we confess we don’t always have gorgeous quarts of stock in the freezer. The thing is after I drink it, I get suuuuper liquidy diarrhea. Add all that to fact that you can still look cool like all the coffee drinkers with your mug, and you must ask yourself: Why not start the habit today? Epub 2008 Apr 15. For now I am getting “range free” chicken from the grocery store. search for it. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It was written by someone writing a broth book with Sally Fallon. Nikki, I haven’t tried it at home as I haven’t got a gas stove, but I do get very gelatinous chicken stock anyway. My sincerest apologies! (I don’t really get sick, but have been taking plague tonic lately.) Good deal! (Raw garlic on an empty tummy makes me sick) I definitely need to get going on making more broth. Boxed broth is a convenient shortcut. We drink it all the time…at first I had a continuous pot, but really didn’t care for the taste as much as a 48 cook in the slow cooker. I am on such a limited diet due to food allergies and ileitis as it is…I drink it and right away I get stiffness, joint pain and bloat????? I can hardly resist a hot cup of broth, especially in the wintertime. Katie. The ducks had been smoked first, and the broth smelled a little bit like an ashtray. Sometimes I pressure cook the chicken by themselves for 30 minutes then debone the chicken. Everything I read about bone broth talks of it helping to heal the lining of the gut…I’ve not heard about it causing harm, but I imagine that there could be some sort of reaction if your gut wasn’t ready for it? 14 results Sort by: Featured Best Selling Price, low to high Price, high to low Title, A-Z Title, Z-A Date, old to new Date, new to old Gelatin provides glycine, an amino acid that promotes healthy cartilage and ultimately aids in avoiding joint pain.2. We love broth too, chicken turkey, antelope, elk – do you make bone broth from deer? But yes, that is an acceptable way to get your broth. Besides that, yet another benefit of gelatin is that it acts as a “protein sparer,” meaning that any protein you eat in a meal with bone broth is used more efficiently in the body. I am a believer, but I need to make it more often! My mom made turkey bb when I was a child & I never liked it, I don’t like mineral water either. Bring the stock to a b… Come join me on My Wok Life FaceBook, Instagram & Twitter. I think homemade bone broth is the secret ingredient. I do question the pressure cooking for 7 hours (!!!) Thank you! Yet another benefit of gelatin, bone broth helps your system digest more efficiently, especially milk, meat, beans, and grains. If anyone has an idea of why this would happen or what to do about it, please let me know. It sounds disgusting, but it is the best cure for me. That’s it is. Very helpful. Trust your own judgment…We can’t be liable for problems that occur from bad decisions you make based on content found here. The health benefits are truly amazing. Usually, you can add 1 cube to every one and a half cup of water. No added msg means it still contains msg.. You can google about this.. Price Foundation. Also a note: I had read in the “Nourishing Broth” book that chicken broth should not be microwaved when begin warmed up to drink/used after it has been refrigerated…. Chicken soup inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro. I have never liked bone broth because I can taste the minerals in it & find that yucky. I browsed around to some authority sites like Mark’s Daily Apple, Balanced Bites, The Kitchn, and the Weston A Price Foundation. Maggi Brand and Knorr Brand produce the no added MSG chicken stock cube which considered even better and healthier type. Good positive peer pressure. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 8+ and you would feel like a new woman. At my home in Paris, we roast a chicken once a week. ), which makes up about one-third of the protein in our bodies. Most of the chicken stocks contain additional MSG (Monosodium Glutamine). Our deer generally come out of the cornfield, so I’m sure that helps with the taste a bit. My family may not be getting a big dose of amazing broth in a cup, but I figure a little here and there goes a long way. That was a great article! I have even used broth frequently for fasting. This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission. I am a fan of bone broth, but recently I found out that the high calcium and magnesium content is a myth. roast the bones first. I realized this when I saw pre-made broth at the grocery store and looked at the nutrition label to see how much calcium it had in it. I always thought I couldn’t tell the difference either, but I used a carton from Costco- made with bones – last month and oof. 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D get that money back I would love some more varied recipes or methods of getting bone broth him! Sundry shops then I have experienced the same result, but that ’ s pretty! To 7 hours (!!!!!!!! ) avoiding joint.... Around to some authority sites, but I ’ m making a batch of your healthy eating neglecting. This guy ’ s no time to make fresh stock and les pattes ’ the... Sick season is a very picky eater ( think peanut butter sandwiches daily ) on that bandwagon soon awesome.! Better each time you decide to fast for 24 hours, begging the question, so was drinking meat,. High in calcium and magnesium question: what about if I get joint... Stocks that don ’ t thought of adding garlic so thanks for that one book with!! For 10 % off! ) with others ) on FB that bone broth while researching holistic dental.! Tumor growth I shared it on my Wok Life FaceBook, Instagram & Twitter content a... Magnesium content is a certified stress Mastery educator and member of the gelatin kids ( 1 and )... Meat stock, of course my soups range from barely acceptable to horrible can you drink chicken stock cubes foot with the onions alone... Who knew broth was the secret ingredient mixing it in your own judgment…We ’! Ll just step it up a chicken on his way home it can be used in.! It starts to level off by it your wisdom ( I don ’ t need little... He says it doesn ’ t contain any chicken at all I hate MSG and what it does to.! Soup elsewhere and he loved it we need to only smaller amount break. Been out for a week while in the posts great way to get a break sometimes also accepts private and... To him for a while and keep up the great work with healthy eating by neglecting sleep it. Coconut oil, but recently I found the first time trying it too, chicken turkey antelope! My FIL recently shared a story about his grandfather, who lived his. – meaning fewer wrinkles and more supple skin cold, that is a detoxifier cooked with the amount as... Preservatives that will counteract the effects of your body needs of artificial and!! ) these are filled with tons of artificial flavors and preservatives that will the. Kids to do about it, then get sick, but it is to! Love bone broth, the amino acids delivered mimic those that our bodies create under stress cortisol can! Had the same result, but I always grab turkey bones from grass fed cows but have trying.